Saturday, February 2, 2013

Book Page Photo Frame

Don't you love it when a project fails initially, but turns out even better than you expected? Around Christmas time I saw this frame on Pinterest.  I fell in love, and thought it would be a fun gift to make.  I actually thought it couldn't be too difficult to do the project as directed with spray paint.  I soon remembered that there is a reason that I stay away from paint in general.  Let's just say I had to scrap the project as a Christmas gift.

I thought on how to save the project for a week or two and ended up thinking about mod podging something onto the frame to cover up the horrendous spray paint mishap.   I love things made from book pages, I even have a pinterest board dedicated to book page crafting projects.  Thinking about making things with book pages in the abstract is easy, it was much harder to cut into the book!  I chose a book I loved as a child, and therefore had read to pieces, literally.  The book was in 4 pieces, merely contained in the cover that no longer stuck to the spine. I tried to start tearing the pages up half a dozen times before I realized I would have to give the book one last hurrah before giving it another life. 

 I finished the last page, returned that portion of the book to it's place in the cover, gave the book one final caress, and proceeded to rip, tear, and mutilate the book into oblivion. The application was simple, I tore up pages in different directions and used mod podge on the back side of the paper.  I didn't seal over the top of the pages with it because I didn't like how it changed the coloring of the paper.  I was able to follow the instructions on the original tutorial to finish the frame with wire and mini clothespins.

I loved the idea of having all of the photos in sepia tones,and while I love it, it is a bit dull.  The next time I update the photos I will try some color!  If I get tired of the color of the frame I may try "staining" it with a color so the words still show through.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you mixed in the silhouettes with the photos!
    - Lora


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