If I sported
this on a t-shirt when I was out and about, most people who see me would be
like “Oh, you have four kids. And TWINS.
I don’t know how you survived the first year.” And I would wink and
smile and say, “It has been wonderful being a mom to four kids. And twins
especially.” And it is true. It is so, so wonderful to be a mom of four
beautiful children, and it is truly amazing to see how twins grow
together. I didn’t have to “survive”
parenthood. I have survived birth

I wrote
about my c-section here just a couple weeks after it happened. I knew I had a
long road ahead of me then, but I had no idea what I would go through in the
next year. I went to the hospital
knowing that I would have a c-section because Baby A, Brandon, was breech and
presenting first. I knew that took away
all of my choices once I arrived at the hospital. I tried to tell myself that it was going to
be fine. The babies would be fine. I would be fine. Physically, we were all fine. The surgery went exactly as planned- no NICU
time for the twins, I have successfully exclusively breastfed my twins for a
year. Those fears came to nothing. I did not anticipate the extreme levels of
fear that I would go through leading up to and during surgery. I have never experienced that level of fear
during any other moment in my life. The
terror of signing the forms pushed in my face about what could happen to me on
that table, the pressure to AGREE to let those things happen, the fear of what
would happen to my babies if I did not sign them. I signed away my power, it felt like I was
sacrificing my own health and safety for the sake of the health and safety of my babies. I would sacrifice anything for my babies, and
so I let go of my power and control over the situation. After that I felt like all of my choices were
gone and I was no longer in control of what happened to me or my babies, which
sent me into terror. Tightly controlled
terror, because I was also terrified that they would put me to sleep for the
birth of my children after a horrible nurse threatened general anesthesia for
crying in the triage room. They would not let my hubby in the room as they did the spinal and prepped me for surgery. A room full of people getting ready to cut me open and I was alone and terrified. They let him in just in time to hold my hand before they made the incision. His presence helped a bit but I was already so afraid that it couldn't bring me back down completely. Then hearing the
doctors talk in such sterile terms using such cold words as they cut me open
and took out my babies was not affirming or gentle or even focused towards me. I was laying on a table with my stomach
sliced open and curtains in between me and my babies and they were talking like
I wasn’t there. I told my husband to go
over with my babies once they were delivered because I couldn’t bear for them
to be alone and I wanted so desperately to be with them. I was trapped and afraid and alone on my side
of the curtain. Separated from my family
for eight full minutes of terror.

Then, I was meeting my babies. After
they were brought to me they hardly left my sight. I pushed away all those things that I didn’t want
to feel so that I could enjoy my first moments with my twins. I am so very glad that I was able to do that,
but at the same time, bottling all that fear up was not healthy for me. I bottled it all up for the sake of
motherhood, for all the things that I wanted out of motherhood. Mom-Sarah and Wife-Sarah enjoyed having some
of the best times in my life. I have truly enjoyed motherhood for the last
year. I am grateful for that. Sarah-Sarah, the one that experienced all
that fear, was down for the count. I didn’t do anything that Sarah-Sarah
enjoyed, things just for me. My sewing
machine collected dust, I neglected to get new books to read at the library, I
didn’t write for myself, and I was no longer the queen of lists. I used to make lists of my lists, yet every
single one that I had made post c-section was pitiful. I ignored it, said that it was just because I
was busy with four kids and newborn twins, but that wasn’t true. I was busy with four kids and newborn twins,
but that wasn’t what was stopping me. I
didn’t want to go anywhere near that nest of fear. I went through life as Mom-Sarah and
Wife-Sarah for 6 months before I shook up that bottle of fear cola I was
working so hard to repress.
It really
shouldn’t have been a big deal. I was
putting the big kids to bed and out of the blue Nate kissed my stomach and said
“Hi, baby.” I brushed it off then. I have a wacko 2 ½ year old kid and there literally is
no way I can be pregnant. But over the
next few days I found that moment was stuck on replay in my head. When I wasn’t thinking about anything it just
popped up, unbidden. I started thinking
about the “what ifs.” What if I was
pregnant? What if I get pregnant again
someday? What if I have to give birth again?
We had decided when we were pregnant with the twins that we were done
for sure. That pregnancy was no
picnic. I was banking on never being
pregnant again. So the what ifs got to
me, they started shaking up that bottle of fear cola and a couple days after
that moment I had my first anxiety attack.
I was in the kitchen making lunch and Alice crawled towards me. All of the sudden I couldn’t breathe or move,
and the only thought I had in my head was screaming “I can’t!” I couldn’t have another baby, I couldn’t go
through that fear again. I thought that
I just needed some firm proof so that I could move on. So I went to the store
and bought a pregnancy test, confirmed that I wasn’t pregnant, and put it
behind me. I had a crazy moment, I
rationalized myself through it, I would be fine. I didn’t even tell my hubby about it. I didn’t
know what to say. I freaked out because
Nate kissed my stomach and said, “Hi, baby.”
I sounded crazy even to myself.
But the anxiety attacks didn’t stop.
I got hit with two more a couple days after the first one, with less
discernable triggers. I would get hit
with one, get myself back together, and continue on with my day as bet I could. So confused. I did tell my hubby after over a week of them
happening, and while he was supportive and tried to comfort me, he didn’t
understand. I didn’t know anyone who
did. And when I did try to talk about it
I was told that I had beautiful, healthy twins and “that’s what matters.” Those words just say that my feelings about
this life changing experience don’t matter.
Of course I am thrilled that I have beautiful, healthy twins, but I
checked in a lot of baggage with that experience and it matters.

That first
anxiety attack was just the beginning.
Over the next two months I had them with more frequency, often
accompanied by flashbacks to the operating room. I become moody. I couldn’t
bear for anything to touch the c-section scar and numb area around it.
Wife-Sarah gave into the depression and I stopped finding as much joy in my
time with my husband. Mom-Sarah tried
the hardest, but on my lowest days I got overwhelmed, had more anxiety attacks,
and was generally about as friendly as a blast-ended skrewt come bedtime. I could see that I was not ok. I knew that there was a huge problem. I had
no idea how to get back up. So one day I
sat down with a notebook and a piece of paper and I got it all out. I went back to the beginning. I looked for patterns. I finally, purposefully, relived every detail
of my birth experience from when my water broke until the moments before I
finally saw my babies for the first time.
It was horrible. I mean it really, really sucked. But then I saw what I had been doing. Sarah-Sarah still felt helpless and powerless
and afraid. I had been ignoring and hiding away the most essential part of
myself and I was still letting that damn experience have power over me. No more.
I started writing a list, which was just so me, that it was refreshing
to see that I was still there. I made a
list of things I want, things that I need to work towards, things that matter
more than my fear. The first thing on
the list was smile, so simple, but so hard on your worst day. One by one I worked on my list, millimeter by
millimeter, I pulled myself back up from that place. It took a little while before I could do some
of the things on the list, while others were easy and felt natural. I want nothing for than for Mom-Sarah,
Wife-Sarah, and Sarah-Sarah to be reunited.
I think when that happens I will be able to conquer the world. I have relapses. I fell off the edge of a
cliff and I climbed back up, but I am still teetering on the edge on a day to
day basis. Little things will push me
closer and big things…. Well that is why
I am writing again. I wanted to tell my
story to remind myself of how far I have come.
Balance is hard. Balance has been
my goal the last few weeks and I keep sinking the boat. Perhaps I jumped the gun on this goal. Right
now I feel like I am in too many pieces to juggle everything. Maybe I have to pull myself back together
before I can find balance.

I wish so
hard that I could go back to pre-birth trauma Sarah, pre-PPD Sarah, pre-anxiety
Sarah, without losing post-twins Sarah.
How different would my life be if I’d had more choices in the hospital,
if I hadn’t been terrified out of my mind, if I were able to have a birth that
I could remember without fear. My birth
experience has taken so much more away from me than I ever could have imagined. It took me away from myself, the most
essential parts of me missed out on a whole lot of things in the last
year. I survived. And I am determined
not to miss another year. I am sure that
next February 4th at 8:30 pm I will look back and think, “This is
the moment that my water broke. This is the moment the fear began. I survived two years after birth trauma.” Hopefully one of those years in my future, I can
use the word thrived. Hopefully one of
those years it won’t even matter enough to remember.